Preferred Bird Foods

American Goldfinch – Hulled Sunflower.

Blue Jay – 
Peanut Kernels & Sunflower Seeds of all types.

Brown-headed Cowbird – White and Red Proso & German (golden) Millet; Canary Seed.

Brown Thrasher – Hulled and Black-Striped Sunflower.

Cardinal – Sunflower Seeds of all types.

Chickadees – Oil (black) and Black-Striped Sunflower.

Chipping Sparrow – White and Red Proso Millet.

Common Grackle – Black-Striped & Hulled Sunflower; Cracked Corn.

Dark-eyed Junko – White & Red Proso Millet; Canary Seed; Fine Cracked Corn.

Evening Grosbeak – Sunflower Seeds of all types.

Field Sparrow – White and Red Proso Millet.

House Finch – Oil (black), Black-Striped, & Hulled Sunflower, Niger.

House Sparrow (English) – White and Red Proso, and German (golden) Millet; Canary Seed.

Mourning Dove – Oil (black) Sunflower; White & Red Proso and German (golden) Millet.

Pine Siskin – Sunflower Seeds of all types.

Purple Finch – Sunflower Seeds of all types.

Red-breasted Nuthatch – Black-Striped and Oil (black) Sunflower.

Red-winged Blackbird – 
White and Red Proso and German (golden) Millet.

Rufous-sided Towhee – 
White Proso Millet.

Scrub Jay – 
Peanut Kernels and Black-Striped Sunflower.

Song Sparrow – 
White and Red Proso Millet.

Starling – 
Peanut Heart, Hulled Oats and Cracked Corn.

Tree Sparrow – 
Red and White Proso Millet.

Tufted Titmouse – 
Peanut Kernels; Black-Striped and Oil (black) Sunflower.

White-breasted Nuthatch – 
Black-Striped Sunflower.

White-crowned Sparrow – 
Oil (black) and Hulled Sunflower; White and Red Proso Millet.

White-throated Sparrow – Oil (black), Black-Striped, and Hulled Sunflower; White and Red Proso.